2 words capable of destroying relationships

Когда партнер нас не замечает, отвергает, обращается с нами несправедливо, нередко мы даем себе клятву: «Больше никогда!”.

“I will never discover my soul again”, “I will never rely on you again”, “I will not let you go close to my heart”. Sometimes we ourselves barely realize that we give ourselves a similar promise. We may not even pronounce these words, but no matter how our vow sounds, we designate the border, which cannot be crossed. Trying to protect ourselves, we make a pact with ourselves. To survive disappointment or a feeling of abandonment, we move away from the partner. But he or her is not telling her about it. And, perhaps, we ourselves will understand all the consequences of our decision only after many months or even years.

Let me explain that we are not talking about relationships in which you become a victim of emotional, physical or sexual violence from a partner. In such situations, the oath “never again!»Absolutely justified. Violence must be stopped – either by forcing the partner to revise the unhealthy patterns of behavior, or by breaking off relations.

For more than 25 years of psychological counseling of marital steam, I have been to see what power these words have. Partners come to https://chronojump.org/pages/live-dealer-games-at-international-online-casinos.html therapy and show no enthusiasm. Endless and fruitless quarrels and conflicts occur. Passion has gone from the relationship. They turned away from each other. Of course, there can be many reasons. But often during the therapy session, one of the partners, at first reluctantly, and then barely restraining tears, recalls some old case.

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