Category Archives: Bookkeeping

State of Iowa Taxes Iowa Department of Revenue

Content File a Return Sign up for The KOSU Daily newsletter! Internal Revenue Service Former reverend arrested for 1975 murder of 8-year-old girl I.R.S. Halts Surprise Visits to Homes and Businesses A State-by-State Guide for Each IRS Mailing Address The IRS was established in 1862 by President Abraham Lincoln, who instituted an income tax to […]

CPA vs Accountant: What Are the Main Differences? Bay Atlantic University Washington, D.C.

Content KPMG Executive Education What Can You Do With a CPA? CPA vs. Accountant Differences, and Similarities Licensure, education, and training How many small businesses use CPA vs. accountant? Experienced accountants can break down and analyze financial statements, including examining cash flow, calculating accounting ratios, and making expense recommendations. With the cpa vs accountant widespread […]

Cash Flow Projection The Complete Guide Template + Examples

Stay proactive and keep your projections aligned with the realities of your industry and market conditions. In fact, studies reveal that 30% of business failures stem from running out of money. To avoid such a fate, by understanding and predicting the inflow and outflow of cash, businesses can make informed decisions, plan effectively, and steer […]

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